Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Of Rabbids and Porings...

Whew... It's been a long day...

Finally, some time for myself...
I just came back from Simpang with Rj n gang...
Prata... argh... too much...

N i showed them what Amous was so obsessed with lately...


Obviously, the one on the left is a rabbid, and the one on the right is what a rabbid looks like when it's raving...
It makes a sound like: TGAHH!

Amous was horrified when i told him i had alrdy completed the game.
Credits to sxn who helped me hijack it.
Yes, the sxn is rather computer-savvy...
now u know y it's endangered...

And if u've been reading my Chatbox,
you would hav seen something like this...
In the aftermath of the capture of sxn...
7 Apr 08, 02:54
jornie: i want some specimens of poring's fur on ur next hunt matey

Well, this is what a poring looks like...

N only some ppl in this world know that,
Amous is a poring in disguise...

Post: Poring Fur
Coming soon...

7 Apr 08, 21:38 RavingPanda: PORING HAVE NO HAIR ITS JELLY MADE XP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hello someplace. Found [url=http://www.google.com/ncr]you guys through google[/url]. Hope to contribute more soon!